A print out of managed print statistics in coloured bars

Remote work and hybrid models have become the norm, giving rise to the need for effective solutions that support distributed teams. One crucial aspect often overlooked in this shift is print management. As organisations adapt to the new era of work, the role of print management services in enhancing productivity and efficiency in remote work environments cannot be overstated. In this expert guide, we delve into the world of print management services and how they contribute to maximising productivity in remote and hybrid work settings.

The Rise Of Remote Work 
The traditional office setup has undergone a transformative change with the growing popularity of remote work. The ability to work from anywhere brings flexibility and convenience to employees, but it also presents challenges that need innovative solutions. Efficient print management is one such challenge that can impact productivity and document accessibility. Carden Print Management understands the unique needs of remote work environments and offers tailored solutions that address these challenges head-on. 

Discover how Carden Print Management can optimise your remote work setup. Contact us to book a demo.

7 Common Advantages of Implementing Print Management Services in Remote Work Environments 

  1. Print Auditing and Cost Analysis 
    Remote teams often lack visibility into their printing habits. Print management services offer comprehensive audits and cost analyses, enabling organisations to track usage and allocate resources effectively. 
  1. Print Quota and Print Rule Enforcement 
    Managing print quotas and enforcing print rules ensures that printing remains within budget and aligns with sustainability goals. 
  1. Secure Release Printing 
    With sensitive documents being printed remotely, secure release printing safeguards confidential information by requiring user authentication before printing. 
  1. Print Job Routing and Intelligent Print Routing 
    Remote print management solutions optimise print jobs by routing them to the most suitable and efficient devices. 
  1. Print Job Prioritisation and Scheduling 
    Print management services allow for prioritising print jobs, ensuring critical documents are printed promptly. 
  1. Print Job Archiving and Document Management 
    Efficient archiving and document management enhance accessibility to past print jobs and streamline document retrieval. 
  1. Print Fleet Management and Optimisation 
    Remote print management services optimise print fleets, ensuring they are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and meet remote work demands. 

6 Factors Contributing to Challenges in Remote Print Management 

  1. Cost Savings 
    Print management services are a strategic investment that goes beyond mere operational convenience; they’re a potent tool for identifying and capitalising on significant cost-saving opportunities. By meticulously monitoring and analysing print usage patterns, these services pinpoint areas where unnecessary printing occurs. This valuable insight empowers businesses to implement judicious print quotas, reducing overuse of resources and minimising wasteful expenditure. Furthermore, print management solutions optimise the allocation of print resources, ensuring that every print job is executed efficiently, reducing unnecessary waste of paper, ink, and energy. 
  1. Improved Print Security 
    In the realm of remote work setups, the spectre of unattended and potentially sensitive documents is a legitimate concern. Here, the significance of secure release printing and robust document encryption cannot be overstated. Secure release printing ensures that documents are only printed upon user authentication at the printer, preventing unauthorised access to sensitive information left unattended in output trays. Encryption adds an additional layer of protection by encoding the data during transmission and storage, ensuring that even if intercepted, the content remains unreadable and secure. 
  1. Control and Visibility over Print Activities 
    Print management services offer a centralised hub of insights into print activities across dispersed remote teams. This invaluable panoramic view provides administrators with precise knowledge of print volumes, patterns, and trends. Armed with this information, organisations can enforce print policies, regulate usage, and tailor resource allocation. The enhanced control leads to more accountable and conscious printing behaviour, reducing waste, and ensuring that print-related expenditures remain within budget. 
  1. Increased Employee Productivity 
    The ripple effects of efficient print management extend far beyond the realm of printers themselves. A seamless print environment means that employees encounter fewer disruptions caused by printer malfunctions, paper jams, or other technical issues. This translates to heightened productivity, as valuable work hours are not squandered on troubleshooting or waiting for prints. Instead, documents flow smoothly from creation to output, empowering employees to focus on their core tasks, uninterrupted by print-related hindrances. 
  1. Environmental Sustainability 
    Embracing remote print management is synonymous with embracing a greener, more eco-conscious work culture. By reducing paper waste through thoughtful print quota enforcement and digital alternatives, remote print management aligns with sustainability initiatives. Furthermore, optimised print resource allocation minimises energy consumption and the environmental impact of excessive paper usage. Organisations can proudly contribute to environmental conservation by embracing remote print management solutions that reflect their commitment to a sustainable future. 
  1. Simplified Print Management 
    The complexities of print management can be daunting, particularly in remote work setups. Centralised print management serves as a beacon of simplicity amidst this technical labyrinth. By consolidating print-related tasks, resources, and policies into a unified interface, organisations can streamline and standardise print workflows across their remote teams. This simplification not only enhances user experience but also reduces the potential for technical hiccups and troubleshooting complications, ensuring that the focus remains on productive work rather than print-related disruptions. 

Harness the Power of Print Management for Remote and Hybrid Success

The role of print management services in enhancing productivity within remote and hybrid work environments cannot be understated. As the remote work trend continues to grow, effective print management becomes integral to streamlined workflows, cost savings, and document security. By partnering with Carden Print Management, organisations can navigate the challenges of remote print management and unlock the full potential of their distributed teams. 

Ready to optimise your remote print setup? Schedule a call with Carden Managed Print today and experience the benefits firsthand. Share this article with fellow remote work advocates to help them maximise their productivity too. Together, let’s embrace the future of work with efficient print management solutions.

Dave King

Author: Dave King

Dave King is a Co-Founder of Carden IT Group and now runs the UK division of the company, managing the sales, technical support and digital marketing teams. This includes, but is not limited to, high profile installations and upgrades of corporate networks.